Sunday 16 March 2008

Its raining cats and boxes?

That little cat! However cute he is, was proving to be very annoying last night!

He decided at 4am it would be a good idea to traverse the perimeter of my bedroom, including the wardrobe and anything stored on top of said wardrobe!

Well, he isn't quite used to his own weight yet, or the heights and stability of many things in his new environment, so there were a few mishaps.

He's fine, nothing was broken, only his pride, but it will only add fuel to the fire concerning my oh so friendly neighbour downstairs. Lets hope she had taken a sleeping pill, and was oblivious to the whole thing.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures or video of the early morning circus, but I do have a gorgeous video of Nora, the piano playing cat. Her video is also in running for the YouTube awards, so please vote for her and enjoy! :0)


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